Thrive Online

Simple Online Marketing for Freelancers
who don’t get and don’t do tech

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Coming soon:

The Essentials

to Thrive Online

A hands-on online training course with step by step guidance and group coaching support

Learn how you can set up everything you need to create
a professional online presence for your language business
that generates clients

Does this sound familiar to you?

You’re an ambitious freelancer. A one-man-band. You’re a true professional. You’re excellent at what you do. Your clients love working with you. And you love doing what you do. But …

And here’s the big BUT. 

You don’t have a steady stream of new client inquiries. You often find yourself in a feast or famine situation. One month, you’re doing really well. Other times, there’s hardly any business coming your way.

And deep down, you kind of know where the devil lies:

You feel uncomfortable when it comes to marketing your work. And perhaps you even admit to yourself: Your online presence is just not up to scratch:

  • You do have a website but it’s just not generating enough clients for you.
  • Or, you’ve been thinking about starting a website, a basic but professional one. But the thought of having to deal with the technical aspects freaks you out and you have no clue where and how to start.
  • The word ‘mailing list’ sends shivers down your spine. The first word that comes to your mind is ‘unsubscribe’. But deep down you know that you should also have a mailing list.
  • A simple post on social media takes so much time for you to create that instead, you just keep putting it off.
  •  You know that potential clients are out there in the online universe that you could find and target with paid ads.

But it all sounds so complicated! – I hear you say.

In my first 7 years as a freelance German and Hungarian language trainer, I was working with multiple independent language schools and agencies in London. And I also developed a strong private client base by word of mouth. It all seemed nice and blissful, until, one day in 2015, once of my biggest clients (an international bank) had to cut its training budget by half. I was relying on their business too heavily.

My reaction when the cut was announced:

OMG. I need to find clients. Fast. Now.

But how am I going to do that? How do I start? I don’t even have a website. I don’t know anything about WordPress. Is that what I’d need anyway? What’s an actual mailing list? Just a bunch of email addresses that I bcc into my emails? Surely, there must be a more professional way to keep in touch with potential clients? I know that my service is amazing, I have no doubt that I’m a great language teacher – but how will potential clients find out about me, and know that I even exist?

I really wish there had been someone who could have just answered my questions, without overwhelming me with the tech jargon, and without saying: 

Why don’t you ask a marketing agency to do it all for you?

I didn’t want to outsource my online presence to a marketing agency. I wanted to do it myself. In fact, I wanted to learn how I can do it, and how I can do it fast, without the hassle.

Because, you always have 2 options:

1. Hire it out (but beware!)

2. Learn this skill and pay yourself for life. (recommended)

And so, I started to learn the nitty gritty of online marketing. Slowly, painstakingly.

Now I handle multiple websites, create landing pages, look after mailing lists and all kinds of social platforms, create online brochures, run paid ad campaigns on Facebook and Google and bring in a steady stream of clients into my three businesses:

ProLingua Global is my boutique language training company. I built a community of language professionals through organising monthly social meet-ups. And I co-run a boutique hair & beauty salon in Central London, me being responsible for digital marketing.

If there’s one thing I learnt about the right kind of marketing mindset, it’s this: 

No matter how fantastic your product or service is. If no-one knows about it, no-one will buy it.

And these days, people buy online. People search online. People gather information online. Therefore, you HAVE TO be online. And show up for people who need you most.

Now, I do know that:

YOU CAN create a professional online presence for yourself and for your business with zero tech knowledge.

Because IT IS POSSIBLE to learn just enough skills to generate a steady stream of new clients – without feeling overwhelmed with tech jargon.

And yes, YOU CAN do it all yourself. 

The resources here might point you in the right direction.

Happy browsing.

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